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Breathing in...



Born into this world of matter, you and life seem to collide:

You believe the legacy of who you were told to be.

We can change.


Accept for a moment, without judgment,

that you are lovable

and perfectly imperfect.




About Bonnie

I have been fortunate in my life to find teachers who helped me hone my clairvoyant abilities, and now I bring them to you.

When I was a young child, my clairvoyance often landed me in trouble, because neither my family nor I understood my visions. By the age of nine, I was so confused and hurt as a result of my visions that I shut down emotionally. Afraid to be hurt again, I was determined to hide what I saw from others. My visions faded until I was an adult and became pregnant with my son.

During that time I met Benson, a clairvoyant and mentor, who helped me focus and control my visions. However, after a few years, I could not understand the point or the meaning of “seeing.”


One day, my brother gifted me with the book “Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field” by Barbara Brennan. This led to my work with the Pathwork Transformation Program and the spirit guide Emmanuel.

I now facilitate ongoing private sessions and groups, creating a safe container for self-inquiry, and for experiencing different possibilities and their effects on soul-development.


I escort Earth Angels who are willing to meet Fear. I am a sensitive and visionary spiritual facilitator for ongoing groups as well as an animal communicator. I have a master’s degree in consciousness and transformative studies from John F. Kennedy University, specializing in conflict resolution. I graduated from the Pathwork Transformation Program of California in 2000 and continue my studies with my teacher Reverend Barbara Azzara in her Master Class in Love. A native San Franciscan raised in the city’s North Beach district, I now live in the Ocean View area with my husband and pug. In 1999, I had breast cancer, which was a blessing in disguise, and I have been a survivor ever since.



  • Explore all aspects of yourself: mental, physical and spiritual

  • Demystify fear, shame, pride, self-will, selfishness, etc., and learn to trust yourself while strengthening your intuition

  • Reframe ideas of who you think you are in order to move forward

  • Understand the spiritual meaning of conflict, and the detriment of participating in the blame game

  • Identify your vicious circle, its images, your addiction to fear and how it can be transcend it

  • Grow to accept that you are a perfectly imperfect angel, encrusted in misconceptions that no longer serve you



For majority of my life, I never felt I was good enough, smart enough, important enough for others to take notice. I never felt I deserved anything. Doing the work helped me to identify this all stemmed from when I was about 10 years old and excitedly sharing with mom what I wanted to be when I grow up. All I can remember of her response was I was stupid, I was crazy, I did not know what I was saying. I was not aware how that affected me, i.e. my self worth, my family, my relationships, my professional life. I use to be afraid of looking into my past and dredging up painful feelings, however, with Pathwork it has helped me to identify why I feel and do the things I do. The lectures are so important and with you as my teacher and mentor, I have been able to relate/connect them to my childhood and what I have been holding on to my entire life until now. I realize as an adult, I no longer have to hold on to those feelings and thoughts. I am committed to staying on the path and working through my triggers, and glad to have you as a partner in my journey. 

— A, June 2016

“I was desperate to find out how to balance myself and to find myself… A person that I was hanging out with during my certificate program said that I process my thoughts like Pathwork style so she was already in Pathwork and recommended that I try… the spirituality intrigued me and reached out to me… I liked your style when I went to the session in the offices in downtown SF… I don't know what I felt but you didn't scare me off… maybe it was the way Pathwork is, like I said, I process my thoughts/emotions like pathwork but not deep enough… I didn't want another religion, therapy group, etc… I wanted something to match how I view living, how I would like to take care of my soul, and to learn to love me again, and understand why things are the way they are, so that I can give back and receive without losing me in the process…”

— Drew
Oakland, California



Bonnie has exceptional discernment and wisdom. Whatever my concerns, she has the ability to assist me with looking at it from a different perspective. I feel I have emotional grown immensely from knowing Bonnie. You can always talk without judgement from Bonnie. After our discussions, I always feel as if a weight has been lifted.

Her insightfulness is a breath of fresh air.

— B.A.,














































































     During my Harvard research fellowship and over the 30 years since, I have worked with key figures in mainstream medicine, among them: neurologist Oliver Sacks, and John C. Lewin, former CEO of the California Medical Association, and psychologist John Reeves, founder of the UCLA Pain Clinic.


I have also associated with key figures involved in alternative healing, including psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, psychologist Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Rosalin Bruyere, (arguably the country’s most scientifically studied laying on of hands healer). Aside from being pioneers in healing arts, it’s been my personal experience that these individuals, have had to cope with as many issues around their own character building as do the rest of us.

I mention them in name because from personal experience, when it comes to self reflection and building character, Bonnie Chung excels and is as conscientious as a healer as any and all of the above.


Bonnie’s teaching and mentorship are catalysts which continually expand my self-awareness and hone my sensitivity to others. Also, while in a support group, she facilitated for nearly a decade, I was amazed by the ingenuity of her strategies for strengthening our relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Some who came to their first sessions harboring wallflower tendencies later found themselves happily married. Those already married made their marriages merrier. Others transformed their lives by replacing dead-end jobs with highly-fulfilling new ones.


Bonnie’s greatest gift to me and my progress, whether working with her in groups or one-on-one, has been to always make it safe for me to shed light on-and accept-inner workings which I otherwise, out of dread of the unknown, would have kept permanently hidden in the darkest recess of my subconscious. The process can sometimes be a little bumpy (Carl Jung once assured: “there is no coming to consciousness without pain”). That being said, from my long view perspective, Bonnie’s Chung’s professional/heartfelt guidance is invaluable. And thus, I give her my highest recommendation.


— Vincent J. Healy Jr., BFA, MFA, LF
Yountville, California


Bonnie offered full presence for me at a time when I needed to go through one of the most painful moments. At these moments gentle but solid presence makes a big difference in facing deep pain, through which I was able to heal my wound.


Her calmness, integrity and deep insights, which come out of her own rich experience of healing her own wounds, offer a perfect space for healing from deep within.


Her intuitive sense of knowing gave me a comfortable foundation of trust in her. She is very down to earth and so willing to help me free myself from my negative programmings to start living my true self. She is truly an angel.


— Yumiko

March 2016

I wanted to thank you so much for your support. I was very scared aobut Ruby having surgery and you allowed me to express that openly to you. I really appreciated being heard.


Ruby is doing well. She has her six week x-rays next week so we will find out just how well she is healing. I wanted to send this much sooner but we have had our hands full with caring for Ruby.

Thank you so much for the work you do for both animals and humans!


— R
Oakland, CA
January 2016

“I have worked with Bonnie Chung since 2007. She has helped many people navigate difficult issues with their pets, including locating lost animals, decisions about euthanasia, and suggestions  to aid their health and well-being.


I am a certified classical homeopath practicing at three vet clinics in the Bay Area and at the Oakland Zoo. When I have had difficulty understanding an animal's sensations or the emotional underpinnings of an animal's condition, both of which are essential in order to find the correct homeopathic remedy, I have had Bonnie do a reading for that animal, and often the information she has given me has helped me choose the correct remedy. Additionally, the information she has given has been very helpful to the guardians of the animal.


Bonnie's rates are quite reasonable, and she is very flexible in the way she works with clients. I highly recommend her, and hope that you will consider referring her services to your clients.”


— Beth Murray, CCH

“Bonnie has been a huge help to me. I went through many traumatic events in my life. I had always been a goal oriented person but for some unknown reasons I was not reaching my goals as in the past. I had no idea that the false beliefs I inherited from these traumatic events were affecting my present life. Bonnie helped me find the false beliefs so I can continue to go forward. I actually look back and really wonder where would I be if I had not know Bonnie.”

— B.A.

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